Patient Information leaflets
Cataract Surgery SFO
It corresponds to an optical and / or anatomical alteration of the crystalline lens, a high power lens located inside the eye (objective of a photographic camera) playing an important role in vision and accommodation in young people, c 'that is to say the passage from far vision to near vision.
YAG laser Capsulotomy SFO
Posterior capsular opacification (sometimes called secondary cataracts) It does not correspond to a "regrowth" of the cataract but to a loss of transparency of the natural lens capsule located behind the implant (or artificial lens). Capsular opacification occurs in over 30% of cases in the years following cataract surgery.
Chronic open-angle glaucoma SFO
You have chronic open-angle glaucoma that threatens your vision. Your ophthalmologist offers you laser treatment to try to stabilize the progress of your glaucoma and to preserve your vision.
This sheet contains information on the operation proposed to you, its results and its risks.